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公司简介 company profile 本公司是专业生产豪华门窗锁等建筑装饰五金和高档盥洗室器具的企业,并兼压铸、抛光、电镀等外协业务。公司发扬“团结、严谨、务实、高效”的企业精神,坚持“为人至诚、为业至精、与客共赢”的经营理念,在以质取胜,以量促销的基础上,一贯遵循“质量就是生命,信誉就是保证”的宗旨,信守社会责任,实施品牌战略,以限度地满足客户需求为己任,以创建国际品牌为目标。 本公司产品构思新颖,工艺,品种繁多,规格,安全可靠,销售网络遍及全国并远销欧美、东南亚等地区。通过不断优化组合,注重团队建设,增强责任,创造先机,动态演进,及时把握市场脉搏,产品“专业化、多元化、国际化”将成为公司坚定的发展方向。 our company is specialized in the production of luxurious door locks architectural decoration hardware and high-grade bathroom appliance enterprise, and concurrently die-casting, polishing, electroplating and other external business. company spirit of "unity, preciseness, efficiency," the spirit of enterprise, adhere to the "is sincere, inheritance and refined, and win-win" business philosophy, in quality, quantity, on the basis of the promotion has consistently adhered to "quality is life, reputation is the guarantee", keep social responsibility, the implementation of brand strategy, with maximum satisfy customer needs, to create international brand as the goal. the company product design is novel, the craft is consummate, the specification is well-found, variety, safe and reliable, the sales network throughout the country and exported to europe and america, southeast asia, etc. by constantly optimize the combination, pay attention to team construction, to strengthen responsibility, creating opportunities, dynamic evolution, grasps the market pulse, product "specialization, diversification, internationalization" will become the development direction of firm.

企业名称: 南京磊鹏五金制品有限公司 企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
所 在 地: 江苏/南京 企业规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
企业模式: 贸易商